monochrome monday

  1. Papa Tango

    August 2023

    Yes, I know it's Tuesday, but a new month beckons! Mom Circle Fujifilm X-T5; NIKKOR AF-S DX 18-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR
  2. Papa Tango

    May 2023

    Canon A-1 35mm; Canon FD 35-70mm f/2.8-3.5 SSC; Kodak Plus-X ISO 125 Brutus Clay Estate (Auvergne), Paris, KY c. 1838
  3. Trailblazer

    Group Posting Rules

    Submit your favorite B&W images here--preferably taken on a Monday or posted on a Monday! Each MMG thread is by month and year. At the end of a particular month, the thread will be locked to new submissions, and a new month's thread created. Limit 1 (one) image per week per group member.
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