post process

  1. 15 Capture One Hacks and Features You Should Know

    15 Capture One Hacks and Features You Should Know

    I love using Capture One. Recently, I have been working with the latest release: Capture One 23 and Capture One Live. Loved by enthusiasts and professionals alike, it is feature-heavy software. In this article, I would like to share some of the hidden and little-known features of this great...
  2. Papa Tango

    Fuji and RAW/RAF Processing

    As a new convert to the Fuji universe, I am still working through how to best take RAF image files from camera to print. I ran across this video, and would appreciate the input of those who have found a good workflow!
  3. A Complete Beginner's Guide to Raw Files and Raw Processing

    A Complete Beginner's Guide to Raw Files and Raw Processing

    One of the first things I learned about in photography was about a file type known as a Raw file. Often times when someone begins in photography, he or she doesn't realize the potential of Raw files. At first I didn't see the use for raw files, they seemed to offer nothing that I truly needed...
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