Id, ego or super-ego



"the conflict between the drives of the id and the demands of the cultural superego"
Untitled ohsu-1.jpeg
Thread title should be “Id, ego or super-ego”
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"All the world's light fits in one eye"​

Sorry to lower the tone, probably because I was sitting to far back from the screen and my eye sight is not what it was. Any way I saw the "f" in fits as a "t", it all seemed to fit :)

I like your photos they make me think in a different way. GC.
Thanks Gerald.
I have also begun to make similar word read, misreads often suggested by a visual association.
Don't worry Gerald, for years I had read Josh's screen name as "IonEye." One of those dyslexic things, and sorry Josh... :oops:

It will take me a bit to gather a response to this image. There are several levels and messages to consider, and how they work together and express a whole.
Thank you Alter.
A.H. Has been typing ioneye for a very long time in his responses to me in the pn history & philosophy. He just recently shortened it to ion.🤡

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