Site Changes What Happened to the Pioneers?


Key Grip
Senior Staff
Feb 10, 2023
Post Score
The FotoFora community is now a year and a half old since its launch in April 2023. 🎉

All new communities must have a core of people who build and fill it with character and content. Virtually all of our ongoing membership over the first year was based on curiosity from photographers from another community. The original goal for FotoFora was to provision ~70 new members (in the first year) with something of value and purpose for their early role in building the community. Thus, the "Pioneer" class of membership was born.

FotoFora's part of the bargain for this participation was to confer a lifetime (or as long as the account remains valid) membership status, equivalent to the highest level of paid membership offered at the time.

SHORT READ: If you are a Pioneer, nothing much changes for you except your membership level banner name...


Former Pioneers now belong to a member class called "Charter Members". All of the features of the former class remain available, and any 'enhancements' to existing features will be supplied as they are developed. Some new features may not be available except for those who hold or upgrade to a paid subscription status.

For those who currently hold annual paid subscriptions or decide to purchase one (Navigator or Voyager)--should you choose not to renew that support your account will revert to Charter Member status. Those who are joining the community for the first time do so as "Explorers" and as such will revert to that status.

The Pioneer days have passed...

More details will follow in the upcoming Fall newsletter! 📜 :coffee:

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