Customizing Your Experience

Choosing a Site Theme


Interacting with FotoFora can be a very personal relationship--accented by the choice of how someone wishes to display the site in an overall theme. We offer an ever-growing selection of core themes for your enjoyment. Shown are examples of the Fotofora MonoZone, FotoFora ColorZone, FotoFora Darkroom & FotoFora Cosmos themes:​

FotoFora Monozone.png
FotoFora Colorzone.png
FotoFora Darkroom.png
FotoFora Cosmos.png

To change your theme preference, select the screen icon in your user panel (#1), or scroll to the bottom left of the site (in the footer) and find theme name (#2):

theme chooser link top.png
customize in footer.png

Once clicked, the following popup screen will display. The FotoFora MonoZone is always the ‘default theme’. Click on any other theme to change. Make your selection from this popup:​

theme chooser popup.png

Cookies are set on your browser to remember your choices from page to page, and each time you log in. If you clear your FotoFora browser cookies, you will have to make these selections again.

Last Updated: 3/28/23


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Change the Forum Layout & Colors


One of the great features of FotoFora is the ability to tailor the experience to our individual tastes. The “Customizer” panel lets us do quite a bit of that. From this panel, you can:​
  • Set your forum display type (Grid or Flat)
  • Set your theme colors (4 currently available)
  • Toggle regular or wide browser views
Find the palette icon in your User Panel or in the footer as shown below:

customize in header UCP.png
palatte in footer.png

Clicking will reveal this overlay screen:

background picker.png

Of the 4 available theme colors, Steel Grey is the FotoFora default, along with the MonoZone theme. To change it you may click on any of the other colors shown (GeoBlack, Bay Blue, & Sequoia Green) then click on the |Save| button as shown by Arrow #1.​
Forum Layout
You may choose to view the forum category layout in one of two ways. The traditional and very linear style is called a Flat Table View. Everything appears in a series of lines the width of the forum, one on top of the other. This is the most common type for forums everywhere.​
Grid View presents a masonry tile view of each board, under a Category bar. This is the FotoFora default view. Arrow #2 shows the toggle for that.​
The Fluid Width toggle expands the body of the site content to 96% of the browser window width. This is a premium subscription benefit. Some viewers will find this mode enjoyable, especially for viewing images.​

Last Updated: 03/28/2023


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    customize in header UCP.png
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Forum Display & Categories


FotoFora allows you to customize the FotoFora board index page to your interests and convenience. It helps to minimize areas of the forum one does not have a regular interest in—while accentuating those areas that are. One is always apprised of new posts in those collapsed categories by the |Latest Posts| sidebar.
Our forum boards are reasonably granular and diverse. To avoid the dreaded "doom scrolling" that occurs in many forums, all forum categories are initially displayed as collapsed. One can expand or collapse them again as they see fit.
In the top-right corner of each forum category, there is a red stepped arrow. By clicking on the arrow, you can expand that category completely. By setting a cookie when you do this, FotoFora will remember your choice and display it each time you visit. This will also persist even if you change themes.
Collapsing the category by switching the arrow back up will reset the cookie—and again the category will be shown in the same state from visit to visit. This behavior applies to many other FotoFora features as well.
In the graphic below, the arrows are shown in their default state. The red arrow shows the result of toggling the | Groups & Contests | category.

Default board display.png

Grid or Flat Display

As discussed in the Customize FAQ, FotoFora can be displayed in a grid-block or linear-topic fashion. Grid display is the community default. Using your Customizer Panel, toggle the Grid View to Table. The forums will now display as:​

Linear board.png

FotoFora Activity Center

The FotoFora Activity Center displays various metrics and information about community activity. It can be collapsed to maximize screen real estate.​

FotoFora Activity Center.png

Last updated: 03/28/2023


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