200MP Camera Phone: Best Smartphones with 200MP Cameras (2023)

Its interesting on paper, but 200 megapixels to process on a hard drive might be an issue? I would settle for 20 megapixels with a good dynamic range which is becoming a standard on even the cheapest new phones. I think this 200 megapixels,🤷‍♀️ is directed to videographers that want cinematic type video production?
From what I can gather, the image file size will run 20-40MB, depending upon the detail recorded. This is consistent with RAW and some JPG files from a dedicated camera.

What is more interesting is that one is not going to actually get a 200MP image, due to how the tech presumes to function. It seems that Samsung (not sure about Moto) aggregates pixels together into groups, so that one is getting either 50MP or 12.5MP effective results, depending upon the light level.

As to 'cinematic', it may offer greater dynamic range and performance in lower light, but certainly, it is not something I think those filming creatively will be drawn to.

Methinks it's just another numbers game, and they should just say 12 to 50MP. :unsure:

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