Editing Software Dealing with Duplicate Files quickly

Mark Keefer

Group Manager
Charter Member
Apr 3, 2023
Post Score
Philadelphia PA and California PCH
I shoot with two memory cards in my cameras and save as both Large RAW and JPEG. I know this is over kill but I don't want to lose a shot to a corrupted card or a corrupted file. With my Canon there will be a Photo Number.CR2 for the RAW on Card 1 and Photo Number.JPG on Card 1, on Card 2 the Photo Number will get an added _1.CR2 and _.1.JPG./ I also like to see how the camera saved the file as a Jpeg.

Photos and dupes example.png

So everything is duplicated and taking up twice the space. Sure I could just tell the software not to download the dupes, but I really won't know if they are corrupted until I see them in Lightroom. So all 4 images go on the hard drive and into the LightRoom catalog. I am not too worried about one RAW and one JPEG, but I don't need two.

I could go through and remove photos manually in Lightroom one at a time. I didn't do that, but as my new 2 TB m.2 drive is getting full, I need to clear space, and I am not doing it one at a time.

My photos are on my Drive D:
I decided to create a folder on my Drive D: called Dupes.

I created two BAT files to quickly select files and move them to the new Dupes Directory. BAT files are Windows thing, possibly Linux can do it to, I have no idea if MACs can do it.

Using Note Pad, I created to simple files and saved them, then renamed the extensions from .txt to .bat Below is the text written in the two files

Bat file to remove Canon RAW dupes.jpg
Bat file to remove JPG dupes.jpg

Next I simply copy these files and paste into my photo files directory

Dup mover bats.png

Once inside the directory, click on the icons and your files instantly move to the D:\Dupes\ directory. Since they are on the same drive, it happens instantly on my machine.

Now I have some clean up to do in Lightroom, so Lightroom doesn't complain every time you click on a missing file.

In Lightroom, I go to the Library Screen and select the Llibrary dropdown menu and select find all missing photos.
find missing photos.png

This might take Lightroom a minute to find them all.
Once the screen populates with all the thumbnails of missing files, I press [Ctrl] [A] to select all the missing files and press the [Delete] key and select remove from lightroom.

⚡Warning : Be sure these are the missing files. Click on one to be sure Lightroom says it is missing. If you mistakenly select all your good photos and say remove from Lightroom, you will have to import them again to get them back. Don't yell at me if you mess up. You do this at your own risk. I am only saying how I did it.

You can decide what to do with your D:\Dupes\ files, back them up on a back up drive or delete them.
Maybe someone will find this useful. I am sure there are other methods, some possibly better. This is how I did it.

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