Google Pixel’s ad campaign is destroying humanity

I am glad analog is makin a comeback among young people, and I think this is the reason why.
I think humanity has been destroying itself for a while now and Google is one manifestation (and, perhaps, a leader) in that ongoing saga. Google's AI perfection mechanisms are an outgrowth of Madison Ave's years of airbrushing. Advertising has created a whole industry of weigh dysphoria. And then there's climate change. Don't get me started!

There's a tendency to over-indulge doomsday scenarios but it's also scary. Coming generations may figure out that photos are no longer a reliable representation of the world and simply come to think differently about them. Information in general will probably undergo a needed resurgence of skepticism. It's hard to fathom all this falling into place, but maybe it will.

In the meantime, I will continue to advertise myself online as a hunky 35 year old who works out 5 times a week and has a full head of dirty blonde hair. I will post pictures accordingly. And I will simply sit home alone in my basement secure in the knowledge that I've put one over on the world.
I think humanity has been destroying itself for a while now and Google is one manifestation (and, perhaps, a leader) in that ongoing saga. Google's AI perfection mechanisms are an outgrowth of Madison Ave's years of airbrushing. Advertising has created a whole industry of weigh dysphoria. And then there's climate change. Don't get me started!

There's a tendency to over-indulge doomsday scenarios but it's also scary. Coming generations may figure out that photos are no longer a reliable representation of the world and simply come to think differently about them. Information in general will probably undergo a needed resurgence of skepticism. It's hard to fathom all this falling into place, but maybe it will.

In the meantime, I will continue to advertise myself online as a hunky 35 year old who works out 5 times a week and has a full head of dirty blonde hair. I will post pictures accordingly. And I will simply sit home alone in my basement secure in the knowledge that I've put one over on the world.
People don't need a pixel 8 to hide in their basement and embellish their lives. Photoshop and social media filters have done that already. I think people are tired of not being able to trust any kind of media. If anything AI will inspire anti trust IMHO.
Perhaps the same alarm could have been said about painting artist. They can paint anything and not be bound by inconvenient reality. The Google Pixel altering images is little different from AI photo tools. These are tools for creative, artists, photographer. It is a tool, nothing more. The only places altered images don't belong is news journalism. The tools have their uses. Nice to remove dust on a sensor, or you drove 3000 miles and have a one day stop at a cool location, but it is trash day, so the only time you are at this spot the street is lined with trash cans. Is it really going to be a big deal removing the trash can. Well, the purists may say yes. So many beautiful photographic locations have be ruined by utility wires, signs, the hated orange traffic cones, construction, porta-potties, trash and trash cans...I am OK with some editing as long as it is not being used to create false news. These are just tools.

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