Filter Guide: Have Digital Cameras Made Coloured Filters Obsolete?

I can see no reason to use coloured filters with digital, and nothing in the linked article has changed my mind.
As for getting right in camera is best! Why, why commit to an embed a unreversible decision unnecessarily.
I would never commit to a mono only camera (even if I could justify the cost of a Leica Monocrhrom). But I would like someone explain why I'm wrong.
My XT-5 has a monochrome mode that is superb. In color, it has various recipe modes to emulate film.

Funny, back in the day with a 35mm camera and 36 exposures of Pan-X, I had no problem being saddled with mono for the day. Now I prefer to shoot pretty much everything in RAW--and do the initial adjustments in Capture One. What if I see the image another way, another time? Done digitally, I can always go back to the original file with all it's range and details.

I have sliders that emulate the effect of any color of filter. The sliders are much better than the fixed, glass filters such as red--as I am able to control the intensity of the effect.

There are still solid reasons to use some filters now, such as UV/haze, polarizing, and graduated ND stacks. But the handy Cokin red, yellow, and green? Nope, in my new book, those are now only for use with film... :unsure:

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