My XT-5 has a monochrome mode that is superb. In color, it has various recipe modes to emulate film.
Funny, back in the day with a 35mm camera and 36 exposures of Pan-X, I had no problem being saddled with mono for the day. Now I prefer to shoot pretty much everything in RAW--and do the initial adjustments in Capture One. What if I see the image another way, another time? Done digitally, I can always go back to the original file with all it's range and details.
I have sliders that emulate the effect of any color of filter. The sliders are much better than the fixed, glass filters such as red--as I am able to control the intensity of the effect.
There are still solid reasons to use some filters now, such as UV/haze, polarizing, and graduated ND stacks. But the handy Cokin red, yellow, and green? Nope, in my new book, those are now only for use with film...